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Living will (advance decision)
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We want to amplify the voices of the people we support, so we share their stories and experiences on our blog. We also work in the open, sharing our work and our thinking as it happens.
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18 March 2025
At the end of life, we don’t just need service change, we need culture change.
How can we foster a societal shift where people and communities own dying, not healthcare services?
Advance care planning
Research and policy
12 September 2024
People’s voices matter. To transform end-of-life care for the better, we must listen to them
Our response to Lord Darzi’s independent investigation of the NHS in England.
Research and policy
15 August 2024
Digital approaches to advance care planning: How are they used, and what else is needed?
This guest post from the University of Leeds talks about their research on how digital end-of-life records are being used in practice.
Guest post
Electronic end-of-life records
Advance care planning
1 August 2024
Why is it important to start advance care planning conversations early and before crisis?
A guest post from Jill which asks healthcare professionals to have advance care planning conversations much earlier, before a crisis hits.
Guest post
Advance care planning
28 March 2024
DNACPR: same old problems – how do we get better?
Our recent report highlighted some big problems with the way Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) decisions are being made and communicated.
Do not resuscitate (DNR)
30 October 2023
Supporting best interests decision-making: our discovery research
Since we launched our new in-depth support service in the spring, we’ve been inundated with calls.
Our thoughts
Working in the open
27 September 2023
We are all going to die
A guest post from Marion says death is the one thing of which we can all be sure, but none of us know how or when.
Guest post
Living will (advance decision)
25 July 2023
Recognising the past when planning for the future
An advance statement for people who have experienced homelessness
Advance statement
17 March 2023
Why we’re re-building our online advance decision (living will) service
Much has changed in the seven years since we launched our original service. Now is the time to raise it up to the standard of the modern internet.
Working in the open
Living will (advance decision)
3 March 2023
Solving whole problems for people – why we’re expanding our service
What people have told us about using advance decisions (living wills) and LPAs, and what we’re doing to help.
Working in the open
Getting help
Asking questions
24 February 2023
No more bodiless hands – our approach to photography
We steer clear of euphemisms when talking about death. Our imagery should be no exception to this.
Our thoughts
Working in the open
23 February 2023
Audience research: Death, dying and advance care planning
What our new brand taught us about language.
Advance care planning
Our thoughts
Working in the open
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