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4 October 2013

We are in The Guardian!

Today a recent poll, commissioned by us, is published in The Guardian.  The poll findings highlight why our work in East London is so important.

Today a recent poll, commissioned by us, is published in The Guardian.  The poll findings highlight why our work in East London is so important.

Danielle Hamm, Director for Compassion in Dying says:

Too many people believe that decisions about their end of life can be put off, or left to their family or friends to make when the time comes, but the reality is that in the absence of an Advance Decision or Lasting Power of Attorney, these decisions are made by healthcare professionals.

The poll shows that most people have clear preferences about what treatment they do or don’t want at the end of life, but startlingly few people have made those preferences clear in Advance Decisions, or have appointed a Lasting Power of Attorney, and this needs to be addressed.

To see the full article, visit The Guardian

To look at the poll in more detail check out You Gov poll

And if you would like to see our press release visit our website

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