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2 February 2018

Lasting Power of Attorney refund scheme announced

A scheme has now been launched to refund those who may have paid more than they should for applying to register a Lasting Power of Attorney

A scheme has now been launched to refund those who may have paid more than they should for applying to register a Lasting Power of Attorney.

If you applied to register a lasting or enduring power of attorney with the Office of the Public Guardian between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2017, and paid an application fee, then you could be due a partial refund.

The Office of the Public Guardian’s processing costs have been reducing in recent years. This has lead to the Ministry of Justice lowering the application fee in April 2017. The refund scheme allows those who paid a higher fee when costs were reducing to claim a partial refund.

If you, or someone you are acting for, thinks they may be eligible for a refund visit for more details and make a claim using the online service.

If you don’t have internet access please contact the refund helpline by calling OPG on 0300 456 0300* and selecting option 6. This scheme is being administered by he Office of the Public Guardian.

*Lines are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 5pm and Wednesday from 10am to 5pm.

Please select option 6 if calling. Visit for call charges

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