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2 December 2016

Family of Paul Briggs waits for judgement

The family of Paul Briggs must now wait for a judgement on whether or not doctors can withdraw his life-sustaining treatment.

Responding to the ongoing case of Paul Briggs, Usha Grieve, Director of Information and Partnerships at Compassion in Dying said:

“The family of Paul Briggs must now wait for a judgement on whether or not doctors can withdraw his life-sustaining treatment. Over four tense days the Court of Protection has heard arguments from both sides on what is in the best interests of Paul, who is severely brain injured.

“All too often Compassion in Dying hears from people who, like Paul’s family, have suffered a double tragedy: seeing a loved one lose capacity through a horrific accident, and then having to stand by while they receive life-prolonging treatment they know they wouldn’t have wanted. The way to ensure you do not receive medical treatment you would not want is to make an Advance Decision, something which we can help people complete for free. You can also appoint a Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare.

“Many people mistakenly believe that family members are able to intervene in these situations and make decisions about treatment, but in the absence of an Advance Decision or a Lasting Power of Attorney it is doctors that have the final say. No one expects to have an accident like Paul’s, but the heart-breaking reality is that they do happen. Just 4% of people have planned ahead and recorded their wishes in a legally binding way – meaning that if tragedy does strike, the vast majority of us could receive treatment we don’t want, with our loved ones powerless to stop it.

“We urge anyone with strong feelings about their medical care and treatment to plan ahead using free websites like Free, specialist advice is available to everyone via Compassion in Dying’s Information Line (0800 999 2434) and website. Planning ahead now, while we are still able to, means that if the worst does happen, we can avoid more tragedies like Paul’s.”


For more information please contact Ellie Ball, Media & Campaigns Officer at Compassion in Dying via / 07725 433 025 / 0207 479 7732.

Notes to Editor

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