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15 August 2014

Consultation on the Mental Capacity Bill in Northern Ireland

There is a consultation taking place in Northern Ireland at the moment on a proposed new law on mental capacity. If you are based in Northern Ireland and have a view or relevant experiences on this important issue please do respond to the consultation.

There is a consultation taking place in Northern Ireland at the moment on a proposed new law on mental capacity. If you are based in Northern Ireland and have a view or relevant experiences on this important issue please do respond to the consultation.

Compassion in Dying welcomes the draft law. It takes an important step towards allowing people in Northern Ireland the same rights to plan ahead for their medical treatment in case they lose mental capacity as people in other parts of the UK.

We welcome the proposals under the draft law to introduce Lasting Powers of Attorney for financial, and health and welfare matters, along the same lines as in England and Wales. However, we think the provisions around Advance Decisions could be improved, and in particular, that these documents should be given statutory force.

You can read the consultation document and the draft law here.

You can also respond to the consultation by email, or in writing:

Mental Capacity Bill Consultation
Room D2.10
Castle Buildings
Stormont Estate
Belfast, BT4 3SQ

The deadline for responses is 5pm on Tuesday 2 September 2014.

If you have any queries regarding the consultation please telephone the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) on 02890 520125.

If you would like further information on Compassion in Dying’s response to the consultation please contact 0800 999 2434 or email

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