Talking about what you want is so very important . . . . . . . . .
“Five years before my father died aged 91, he and I spent time together filling in our Advance Decisions. That conversation helped me to understand his wishes. When he was admitted to hospital the last time I made a point of telling every health professional that he had made an Advance Decision and that he was now so weak and ill that he just wanted palliative care. Not one person tried to argue with me and my father slipped away less than 24 hours later. Having an Advance Decision gave me the confidence, determination and, ultimately, the authority to ensure my father’s wishes were respected. I was so grateful for that.”
Stories, like the one above shared by Jenny one of our service users, and the ones shown in the poignant & moving Dying Matters film “I didn’t want that” Click here to see the short film , are the reason we do what we do, and is why we want to extend the ELRA service to the whole of England. Our Advance Decisions packs and our advice service on Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorneys mean that people like Jenny are able to have those conversations and know what their loved ones want when their loved ones are unable to communicate it directly themselves. Our free Information Line, the training for carers working with older people and the advocacy support are all making a real difference daily to individuals and families during difficult times. Can we help you too? If you work in East London with older people and would like to know more about end-of-life rights and choices email us . We can send you free Rights Guides and Toolkits, and also provide free training for you and your colleagues. And have you got five minutes to help us? Do you have an Advance Decision already? Or do you have a story to share about how the end of life has affected you or your family. If so, then click here to share your experience. Alternatively why not share this blog with your friends today via twitter or facebook.And if after reading the story or watching the film you want to talk to someone about setting out your wishes then ring us on 0800 999 2434