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Zach Moss 26 May 2015

Photographer Andrew George explores our final moments

This week we hear from Rachel Hutchings,who many of you may have spoken to if you have called our Information Line. On a recent trip to Bruges, I stumbled across this collection of photographs, exhibiting at the Sint-Janshospitaal until the 28th June 2015. Right, Before I Die is a collection of photographs by American photographer Andrew George. They capture people currently receiving palliative care, presented alongside interviews where they talk about their lives; some wrote things down, others preferred to speak. The photographs and interviews show how important it is to think about the person at the end of life, rather than just the patient. Andrew himself said:
It is much more important to know what sort of patient has a disease, than what sort of a disease a patient has
This sentiment can inform all our work because it shows the centrality of finding out an individual’s wishes, values and beliefs when delivering end-of-life care. One of the ways people can express who they are and what’s important to them is by writing an Advance Statement. This is a statement of a person’s values and wishes that they would like to be known if they lose capacity and are unable to make or communicate their wishes. Scroll down to see some of Andrew’s work, and visit his website for his full collection. If you would like to find out more about planning ahead, visit the Services Near Me section of our website to see where we work in your area, or call our Information Line on 0800 999 2434 forĀ our national services. jack_big jack_int

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