Zach Moss
5 June 2014
My Life, My Decision: What the Project Means to Me

- It has been a learning process through which EOL has become something ‘real’ and ‘do-able’;
- The psychological barriers have been lowered – EOL is something I can more readily address now;
- I have discovered I can get help from trusted advisers – and I will now use them to finish my abandoned LPAs (initials that, for me, have come to mean Lingering Personal Angst!).
- I have hope that I can finally achieve peace of mind for myself, but above all, for those dear to me;
- I feel better equipped to pass a convincing message on to others in the communities I live and work with;
- I also feel better prepared to contribute to the over-arching, national drive to ensure that we all live well and age better.