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Zach Moss 6 January 2014

I have decided that is what I want…

Chris Commerford, CEO of Age UK Hillingdon – one of our new partners – has written for us a short blog to share why she feels having an Advance Decision is so important;
Just before Christmas three of my colleagues suffered the loss of a close relative, two in the same day, needless to say there was an outpouring of love and sympathy at work for their loss. What struck me was that each of the bereaved talked about the comfort they gained from being with their loved one at the end, in the comfort of their own home, or in a hospice in one case – surrounded by the people they love. I have decided that is what I want when the time comes, so that is one decision I am clear about and, like writing the first chapter of a book, this will help me write the rest of my story on an advanced decision form, for my family to read, hopefully a long time away in the future!

Chris Commerford & Volunteers

Chris Commerford (middle) talking to one of our volunteers

We are delighted to be working with Chris and Age UK Hillingdon. We first met Chris in 2013 at Age UK’s excellent For Later Life Conference, and immediately we knew we could work together. Since the conference Chris & Becky have met a few times to discuss My Life, My Decision and on 24th October of last year Verena was a guest speaker at Age UK Hillingdon’s AGM. Here’s an extract from the Winter Newsletter
Verena gave a very informative talk about what for most of us, can be a very difficult and sensitive subject. . . using casestudies and news stories as an illustration Verena offered useful guidance on end of life treatment, the Mental Capacity Act 2005, Advance Decisions and Lasting Power of Attorney.
Verena also shared our plans for the Flagship – My Life, My Decision – and the response from the AGM audience suggested that this would be a very positive addition to the range of services Age UK Hillingdon and Compassion in Dying already offer. Age UK Hillingdon, all of our other partners and us will keep you posted about our bid application –a decision is expected from the Big Lottery in February. In the meanwhile if you have any questions about our work, or if you like Chris have recently decided to complete your Advance Decision then ring us for for free on 0800 999 2434 and we can send you free forms and guidance, and also help you over the phone to complete your Advance Decision. We can also offer advice and help in completing health & welfare Lasting Power of Attorneys .  Alternatively you can visit our website and download an Advance Decision  

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