Zach Moss
2 March 2015
Every Moment Counts: A new vision for coordinated care for people near the end of life
I can make the last stage of my life as good as possible because everyone works together confidently, honestly and consistently to help me and the people who are important to me, including my carer(s).Five key ‘domains’ are identified as very important.
- A special effort is made to understand my goals and the quality of my life and death. I should not be defined by my illness. I should be supported to live an active and independent life as far as possible, for as long as possible.
- Healthcare professionals have honest discussions with me about my health and prognosis, and I am given the chance to plan ahead. (There are a number of ways you can do this, and Compassion in Dying can help provide you with more information).
- People who are important to me are around me, welcomed and made to feel ‘part of the team’ and included in discussions about my care as far as I want them to be. They are also given advice and support as my health deteriorates and after I have died.
- My physical, emotional, spiritual and practical needs are met, and I am given information, care and support to make sure I die ‘at peace’ with any beliefs I may hold.
- I have responsive and timely support day and night, irrespective of where I am being cared for (i.e. at home or in a hospice), to ensure my needs are met.