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Zach Moss 10 January 2013

End of Life Rights Advocacy Project Officially Launched!

Our End of Life Advocacy Project is now officially launched! Our volunteers have been an amazing help with our mail out to GP practices, charities and care homes in East London. We are hoping to engage as many organisations who have contact with older people as possible to ensure that they can take advantage of our independent advocacy, training around Advance Decisions and Lasting Power of Attorney.  Have a look at our poster advertising the service! Our Steering Group met on 9th January and discussed the promotion of the project to older people in East London. We discussed the language currently used on our poster and the group came up with some key phrases and words that they thought older people would be most likely engage with. We have a varied group of representatives from each borough, including the Chair of the Hackney and City Older People’s Reference Group, so we are being guided well! Training for volunteers and Befrienders will be taking place next week. This will be around the use of Advance Decisions and Lasting Power of Attorney. We have also already had interest from East London NHS Foundation who we will be running training for In April. This will be a great opportunity to ensure staff are able to inform and empower individuals they work with to take up their legal rights at the end of life. We will be interested to find out how we can support them more in this area and are really excited about working with them. In terms of long term development, AgeUK Norwich have been in touch as many of their residents in their sheltered housing scheme are interested in making Advance Decisions but are in need of additional support. We would love the opportunity of sharing our learning with them in the future! Verena Hewat, End of Life Rights Project Developer Link to: Stakeholder Poster steering group 2 (2)steering group 1

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