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Zach Moss 8 July 2014

Behind the scenes

Over the past few weeks, if not months, there has been lots happening behind the scenes as we roll out My Life, My Decision across 6 new areas.  This ‘behind the scenes’ work has seen me doing everything from assessing training venues, to tackling complex budgetary spreadsheets, to shortlisting, to discussing legal agreements and sending numerous emails. Normal office work I suppose, but it does feel more exciting than usual as every document, every telephone call and email means My Life, My Decision is a step closer to becoming reality! MLMD implementation - Version for Blog As will be seen from our implementation diagram there are five strands of work that Danielle, Verena, our delivery partners and I have particularly been working on:
  1. Grant paperwork – lots to do here from setting up our grant monitoring tools to Big Lottery grant forms to legal agreements for our delivery partners.
  2. Recruitment – as you may have spotted from our website and that of our delivery partners there are a variety of  new roles.  Some appointments have been made, and we hope to have recruited to all posts by the end of July.  As soon as everyone is posted we will update you on who’s who!
  3. Accreditation – as well as finalising the modules to go forward for CPD accreditation we are also designing the  two training events for the Project Coordinators.  The first is a one day event here in London in August, and it will be followed by a second event at the University of Warwick in early September.
  4. Evaluation – is such an important part of our plans.  We are keen to draw upon learning from the pilot to facilitate the setting up of My Life, My Decision, as well as putting in place robust arrangements to ensure that learning from the roll-out is shared widely at all stages of implementation.  To facilitate this our Evaluators are hosting an away day with us later this month, and we are hosting a visioning day in early August for our delivery partners.
  5. User Involvement – we have not done as much as we had originally planned by this stage but that’s because we have decided to delay work until our Volunteer Champions have been recruited and can really steer our user involvement strategy.  We want our user engagement to be as meaningful as possible and we believe the best way to do this is for the users to steer the process right from the start.  We have though been talking to other organisations, such as the wonderful National Voices and other Silver Dreams, to seek their advice and expertise on user engagement.
It may feel that we are taking a while to set everything up, but that’s ok.  For us it is really important we take the time here at the start to get everything right so once we come to launch and the roll out it all runs smoothly.

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