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Zach Moss 22 August 2014

…….And we’re off!

Hello all!! Sonia here, I am the My Life, My Decision Project Co-ordinator here at Age UK Hillingdon. I am based at our Townfield Community Centre in Hayes. I am so excited about this project, it is something that is very close to my heart and cannot wait to get out there and start promoting it!! So far I have been reading up on the Compassion in Dying website, which is really user friendly. Great source of information and fantastic factsheets. I have also been putting together a job description in order to recruit our Volunteer Champions!! Fingers crossed!! It was fantastic to meet all the Project Coordinators yesterday at the Compassion in Dying offices in Central London. It was great getting to know everyone and sharing our ideas and experiences. Finally putting a face to all the names, and feeling like a team. There are some photos below. I found the training very interesting and feel as though I have taken a huge step forward in promoting this project within our borough. I think we will all learn so much from one another also and look forward to sharing our ideas. I am now looking forward to the residential in September and cannot wait to see you all again, all systems go!! On a final note I would like to thank Frankie and Verena for such a warm welcome and all of your support and guidance so far. Roll on September! 1 2 3

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