A new beginning!

Hello, my name is Heather Johnson and I am the new My Life My Decision Co-ordinator for Age UK Lancashire. I bring lots of experience of working with older people to the project, with a background in nursing and 18 years at Age UK Lancashire in a variety of different roles, including an end of life project.
In each of my roles I have been committed to supporting and encouraging older people to lead valued and fulfilling lives and to make their own life choices.
People faced with difficult decisions at a worrying time often take advice from professionals thinking that “they know best” but is this really what they or their close family would want?
Both personal and work experience has made me passionate to ensure that everyone has the knowledge and support they need to make their end of life choices known.
I was delighted to meet the Project Co-ordinators from the other Age UKs at our first training event at Compassion in Dying’s headquarters in London last week. It was very encouraging to meet all the project staff in person, share ideas and to learn so much more about what we will be achieving through My Life My Decision. It’s such an exciting journey to be part of right from the beginning.
A little bit more about me…..I have been married for 32 years and have two grown-up children who have both set up home with their partner/spouse! I enjoy reading, holidays and football, being a season ticket holder for Burnley Football Club. I consider myself to be a caring and empathetic person. I am looking forward to commencing my role and am fascinated to encounter the challenges that developing a new project brings.