A big hello from Age UK Trafford
Hello everyone,
My background is in mental health and for many years I worked with people who have a mental health problem.
For the past 10 years I have managed a project called Trafford Caring for Carers partnership, employed by Age UK Trafford. This involved working with carers of people with mental health problems. I feel my working life has given me the experience to understand how difficult it is for people to accept their loved one is unwell and how to cope with making some very tough decisions.
I am really excited to be part of the MLMD project and to raise awareness about people’s rights and choices at the end of life. I understand it is sometimes a difficult subject for some people to think about, but it is a real positive that through this project we can take time to talk to people about end of life and help take some of the fear away and give them a voice.
I am busy distributing the information about MLMD around Trafford and all the services at Age UK Trafford are promoting it as well. I have spoken to a few small groups raising awareness about MLMD and have spoken to some people on a one to one basis. I am making links with local groups such as Lions, young at heart salvation army, carers groups and a health and wellbeing group and I am attending a GP event next week.
It was lovely to see all the other project co-ordinators and staff involved in Compassion in Dying and MLMD at the residential last week, everyone is very enthusiastic so watch this space !